This year Paradise Valley Christian Preparatory is piloting 5 new PLC"s across grade level and curriculum. Teachers are being encouraged to explore and record new growth opportunities in Technology, Essential Elements of Instruction, Science Inquiry, Socratic Methods and Student Engagement.. Grand Canyon University (GCU) is promoting Partners in Learning, Leading and Serving (PPLS). GCU created PLLS to offer services and opportunities focused on attracting, retaining and maintaining quality professionals in education and educational leadership.
Mrs. Urig's Math Drills Accomplishing something that has never been done (learning for all), means that we need to aggressively break down the culture of teacher isolationism. Professional Learning Communities realize that they can never accomplish their goals if they leave teachers behind. They understand that to establish a culture that continually improves teacher practice, they must find ways to support all teachers regardless of experience or expertise. Professional Learning Communities think differently, they move past identifying the problem to relentlessly pursuing the solution. They are action oriented and eliminate outside factors as a reason for not changing behavior.
This year Paradise Valley Christian Preparatory is piloting 5 new PLC"s across grade level and curriculum. Teachers are being encouraged to explore and record new growth opportunities in Technology, Essential Elements of Instruction, Science Inquiry, Socratic Methods and Student Engagement.. Grand Canyon University (GCU) is promoting Partners in Learning, Leading and Serving (PPLS). GCU created PLLS to offer services and opportunities focused on attracting, retaining and maintaining quality professionals in education and educational leadership. Comments are closed.
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